Edward van Aarle
Procesbegeleider Verbinding Onderwijs-Jeugdhulp
Over mij
In kader van de uitvoering van de regionale Transformatieagenda Passend Onderwijs Jeugd en het Thuiszitterspact
Projectleider SKOOP (Sky Office voor opvoedings-, ontwikkelings- en onderwijspromotie)
My professional mission originates from a profound and happily expressed passion: purposefully analyzing and improving my fellow creatures perspectives on their own development, by quickly and sincerely taking their perspectives, empathizing with them, making them share their perspective with me and with all of their significant others, inviting them to answer my respectful exploratory questions, always tailored to that specific person, either in a confidential personal dialogue or in a safe group discussion.
Radboud University: General University Interests Fraction
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Onderwijskunde (PWO): Dit project behelst de nieuwe methodiek voor jeugdigen, hun gezinsleden, buurtgenoten, schoolgenoten en eventuele professionals: SKOOP, gedetailleerd beschreven in Van Aarle, Stultiens & Krol (2015) en Van Aarle & Krol (2014). Centraal daarin staat "samenzicht': het streven naar onderlinge afstemming tussen alle betrokkenen op basis van ieders eigen perspectief, kracht, etc. Om snel een concreet idee van SKOOP te krijgen: kijk "SKOOPflits" [minder dan 3 minuten]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz9JGclX3t1oa1o4WEp3aXBNZmM
Radboud University:
Radboud University:
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Onderwijskunde (PWO): Small Scale Studies in Assessing Clinical Child Psycholgist's Judgment Making, a.o. using a self-developed computerized simulated dyslexic children and in Developing Diagnostic Decision Making Tools [a.o., for distinguishing behavioural description from interpretative statement) and a Computerized Knowledge Based Decision Support System (CONDALS) Develop and teach a widely acknowledged set of transparent instructions for clinical decision making in the complex fields of assesment, intervention, treatment and counseling in the complex field of education and mental health care for children and adolescents, encompassing a double focus on the child and aduts who are educationally (i.e. parenting and teaching] related to it.
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